Utvekslingselev i Spania
Spania - Mye mer enn du tror - Opplev det selv
Become an exchange student in Spain and learn a world language!
Spain is the world’s third largest tourist country (after France and the USA) and thus most Norwegians also know Spain as a tourist, but usually only the well-known tourist spots. Few people have had the opportunity to experience the more authentic Spain. Give yourself the opportunity to get behind the facade and get to know the country and the people on exchange in Spain.
Spanish is the third most used language in the world, it is spoken on all 7 continents. So if you master Spanish, you can commit to many places in the world. Did you know that Spain has four main languages: Spanish (Castilian) Catalan, Galician, Basque. The last three were recognized as official languages alongside Spanish. As an exchange student in Spain, you will naturally be placed where Spanish (Castilian) is spoken.
Experience the country’s relaxed lifestyle on an exchange in Spain
You have to experience the relaxing lifestyle of the Spaniards for yourself. You will learn to live life in their rhythm – break in the middle of the day and late dinner. You will surely come to love tapas.
You must have learned Spanish before going on an exchange in Spain. If you haven’t had Spanish, you need to find a course or private lessons so you can get a base to build on. We would also recommend that you start your stay with a language course in the country.
!!! We offer an online Spanish course through the Cervantes Institute called ‘AVE’ (Aula Virtual de Español – Spanish Virtual Classroom) included in the program price. It is a 30-hour course that can be used as much as you want for 90 days.
!!! 4 day camp in Madrid is included in the price!
Vi anbefaler
Vi anbefaler et intensivt 2 ukers språkkurs i Madrid som oppstart på utveksling i Spania. Ring og hør for aktuell pris.
Spania har også store naturoplevelser både sommer og vinter. Så uansett om du plasseres ved strand eller i skiområder, eller kanskje begge deler, så er det mange muligheter.
Spanjolene spiser ofte sent mellom klokken 21 og 23. Varmen gjør at de lever livet om kvelden. Men så kan de jo ta litt tapas før middagen, slik at du ikke blir sulten og det er det ofte mange forskjellige tapas å velge mellom.
Spanjolene har mange tradisjoner – en av dem er de religiøse festene og prosesjonene. Hver by har sin egen skytshelgen, og hver skytshelgen sin egen dag, så det er forskjellig fra by til by når den religiøse festen feires. Her forenes tradisjon og folkefest. Dette bør du få med deg hvis du får mulighet til det.
Skolesystem i Spania
Elever fra 12-16 år går i Educación Secundaria, som er obligatorisk. Med en eksamen herfra er det adgang til Bachillerato, som er en 2-årig gymnasieutdannelse. Her kan du som utvekslingsstudent i Spania velge retning som kunst, biologi, samfunnsfag eller teknologi.